Today the Joint Research Centre of the EU published a new report with mini cases on open education in Europe:
This catalogue contains 50 mini cases that highlight the practices of universities and educational institutions around open education in… more »
Tag: "european commission"
Tomorrow I'm participating in the conference "Mapping The European MOOC Territory". This conference is organised by the HOME project. This project is about MOOCs the European way led by EADTU.
This conference will focus on the opportunities and… more »
The EU has a High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education and they have written an report about new modes of learning and teaching in higher education.
The report starts with an introduction of EU comissioner Androulla Vassiliou. The most… more »
Last monday I attended a public hearing of the committee on Culture & Education of the European Parlement. The subject of the hearing was "New technologies and open educational resources". I was nominated as expert by the MEP Marietje Schaake of the… more »
As part of the OpenEducationEurope portal the European Commission also created an European MOOCs Scoreboard. If I look at the scoreboard I have the idea that 276 European MOOCs are not correct. The number seems to high to me.
For example I looked at my… more »
The Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission has organised a consultation on "Opening up Education - a proposal for a European Initiative to enhance education and skills development through new technologies". From 13 Augu… more »