Do we need another MOOC platform?
2012 is the year of the MOOC. Audrey Watters has written an very good overview of MOOCs in 2012.
In the last year we got the announcements of new platforms to deliver MOOCs. This week the 12 UK universities announced another new platform.
I made a list of the platforms I know:
Platform | Founded | Company | Certification | Open | # courses | Remarks |
Udacity | Jan 2012 | for profit USA |
yes | no | 20 | |
Coursera | Apr 2012 | for profit USA |
yes (not all) | no | 210 | Only high-ranked universities can join |
edX | May 2012 | not-for-profit USA |
some | will be | 9 | |
Coursesites | Apr 2012 | for profit USA |
yes | yes | 2 | is based on the full Blackboard Suite |
Instructure Canvas | Oct 2012 | for profit USA |
? | ? | 24 | is based on their open-source LMS |
Google Course Builder | Sep 2012 | for profit USA |
? | yes | 5 | Is running on Google Apps Engine |
Class 2 Go | Sep 2012 | not-for-profit USA |
? | yes | 3 | is open-source |
VentureLab | Sep 2012 | not-for-profit USA |
? | ? | 5 | developed by Stanford students |
Udemy | Feb 2010 | for-profit USA |
yes | no | ? | Focus on individual teachers. Originally paid courses, now also free courses |
OpenMOOC | Jul 2012 | not-for-profit Spain |
? | yes | 1 | platform is open-source. |
Candena Scholar | Oct 2012 | not-for-profit Germany |
yes | ? | 1 | Started by Leuphana University |
FutureLearn | Dec 2012 | for-profit UK |
? | ? | ? | started by 12 UK universities |
If you know any other platforms or can fill in the question marks, please leave a comment.
If you take a look at the features of the different platforms, I see three distinct characteristics:
- Most of them have a very specific instructural design in the course. Most is based on the traditional instructor-led model.
- They have limited features, but the features they have are working really well.
- They log everything and use this data actively (learning analytics). Some of them even are saying that they will even sell this data.
The traditional LMS-providers should really take a good look at the MOOC platforms. They can definitely learn from it!
As you can see is that most of the platforms are created by a US for-profit company. So I encourage initiative from outside the US, especially the ones that are really open. Improvements in the instructional design are also very welcome.
Comment from: Wilfred Rubens [Visitor]

Comment from: willem [Member]

Comment from: Marja Verstelle [Visitor]

Comment from: Frank de Langen [Visitor]

Comment from: William Swinton @ListenLearnLead [Visitor]

Comment from: willem [Member]

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