Since a couple years the TU Delft Extension School is offering two courses on designing and teaching an online course. We have developed these courses for our own teachers to get them up prepared for offering a course via the Extension School and since… more »
Tag: "online learning"
The DigiTel Pro partnership brings together advanced “schools” in research, innovation and good practice in synchronous hybrid (KU Leuven), blended learning (TU Delft) and online and distance learning (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, The Open… more »
The TU Delft Extension School and Teaching & Learning Services are pleased to be a member of the DigiTeL Pro Strategic Partnership (Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning) supported by funding through the Extraordinary Erasmus+… more »
The perfect time to do some learning from home! Delft University is quickly changing all our campus education to remote teaching and learning. The expertise we build up with the Extension School comes in good use for that, but we continue to run the Extension School as well. So here is a selection of online courses that can help you through the days and weeks ahead. more »
The Chronicle of Higher Education has published an useful guide on online teaching. The teaching suggestions in this guide are not revolutionary. Once you read them, they’ll probably seem like common sense. But that’s just the point. Professors often… more »
Arizona State University Foundation and the Boston Consulting Group published an interesting report about digital learning. The focus of report is on how the use of digital technologies in postsecondary education impact students’ access to education, student outcomes, and the return on investment for students and institutions. The resulting Making Digital Learning Work study provides interesting data, case studies and best practice recommendations for institutions looking to scale digital learning. more »
Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit has created a database compiling research on the efficacy of online learning. The Online Learning Efficacy Research Database is a searchable resource of academic studies on the learning outcomes of online… more »
There are many different ways to communicate content by video. To provide teachers and course developers some guidance and inspiration, we have collected multiple videos and created three menu items: Recording locations: where to go? Presentation… more »
Op 18 november organiseert E=merge een evement over de implementatie van ICT in onderwijs. Daarnaast wordt er gevierd dat er 3 nieuwe instellingen zich aansluiten bij E-merge. Het E-merge Consortium bestaat nu uit 7 instellingen (vet gedrukt de nieuwe… more »
So blended learning is becoming an increasingly complex concept, with multiple possibilities and infinite options. Blended is about choice, and about maximising your learning in the modes you find most convenient. Learning in all its forms is a little like the blender in your kitchen. Put in the right ingredients, and use a little effort, and hopefully the result will turn out to be very useful. more »