Twice a year the TU Delft organises the Exchange Week focused on educational innovation. On November 29th, 30th, and December 1st, 2023, we are hosting the fall edition of the TU Delft Exchange Week for Higher Education Institutions. more »
Tag: "open education"
This week I chaired my last board meeting of Open Education Global as president of the Board. Last year already my term as elected board member ended and this week also term as president ended.
I'm proud to see in what an excellent shape Open Education Global is in. In this blog I would like address a couple of reasons why I say that. more »
Open Education Global and the Université de Nantes, hosts of the Open Education Global 2021 Conference, are pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals is now open! This year, the Open Education Global 2021 Conference will be entirely focused around the UNESCO OER Recommendation. more »
OE Global 2020 Conference will take place virtually through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous activities. The 2020 conference theme, Connecting the Global Open Education Community, signifies even more to our community during this unprecedented time. Social connection avenues will be a strategic part of the conference to provide additional opportunities for participants to engage about the content of presentations and in networking/collaboration opportunities. more »
Every ranking is debatable, but if you are ranked #1 worldwide it does feel good! Yesterday the MoocLab introduced the new World University Rankings by MOOC Performance (WURMP). This ranking evaluates universities on 5 performance indicators that… more »
posted on Nov 26, 2019 by willem in Online Learning, Open Education, Teaching Lab, blended education
In January 2020 we are organising the second Erasmus Exchange Week from January 28 to 31 in the TU Delft Teaching Lab more »
posted on Apr 17, 2019 by willem in Online Learning, Open Education, Teaching Lab, blended education
We get many requests for visits from academic and staff from other universities to visit our Teaching Lab and hear about what and especially how we have organised our open, online and blended education activities. To make this a bit more efficient for… more »
After the great Open Education Global 2018 conference is now time to focus on the 2019 edition. This years conference is organised in Milan by the hosts OEC and Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) from 26-28 November 2019. Theme The theme of the conference… more »
Today we celebrated the fifth year anniversary of the Delft Extension School. It is a good moment to look back at what we accomplished. You can look at the numbers as displayed in the graph above, but the impact has been much bigger for the university. more »
The Open Education Consortium is actively recruiting nominations for members of its Board of Directors. We seek passionate educational leaders of high integrity who are committed to improving education worldwide through open educational practices. more »