After an European tender procedure Delft University of Technology has selected a new LMS supplier. After 17 years we are saying goodby to Blackboard and are going to migrate to the cloud-based platform of the Canadian Desire2Learn: Brightspace Learning Sytem. more »
Tag: "blackboard"
D'Arcy Norman started an interesting discussion about the false binary of LMS vs. Open. Here some interesting responses:
Sheila MacNeill: Living with the VLE dictator
Peter Reed: The VLE vs 'Whatever'
Amber Thomas: Why VLEs aren’t evil
Mike… more »
An interesting blogpost of Edutechnica. Based on open data they created a dataset of all universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia including their enrollment numbers, geographical coordinates, and URLs. That was not al… more »
Here a selection of interesting blog and news articles about MOOCs.
The attack of the MOOCs An army of new online courses is scaring the wits out of traditional universities. But can they find a viable business model?
How widely used are MOOC foru… more »
This week Blackboard announced the CourseSites MOOC Catalog:
Empowering Learning Through Community
Blackboard is pleased to support open education opportunities and massive open online courses (MOOCs) through CourseSites by Blackboard, a free, hoste… more »
This is the 100th blogpost that I publish on this blog in 2012. In this blog an overview of the most populair posts and other statistics.
The blogpost were not nicely distributed over the year. Although I published every month at least 5 posts, Decembe… more »
In 2011 Blackboard launched Coursesites. This platform is free for teachers to create course and offer them to students. The CourseSites platform is based on the full Blackboard Learn platform including Blackboard Collaborate and Mobile. They are runnin… more »
At the Online Educa Berlin I got a preview of a new Blackboard product. xpLor is a Learning Object Repository in the cloud which is fully integrated in Blackboard Learn, but also in Moodle and Sakai:
Over the past 15 years the Learning Management Syste… more »
Vandaag werd bekend dat de Michael Chasen, CEO van Blackboard, Blackboard gaat verlaten. Na het vertrek van Matt Pittinsky betekend dit dat beide oprichters nu niet meer verbonden zijn aan Blackboard. De opvolger van Chasen is Jay Bhatt, oud CEO van… more »
Chrome is op dit moment duidelijk de favoriete browser van de gebruikers van de TU Delft blackboard-omgeving met bijna de helft van de bezoeken. En dat is wel opvallend want de standaard TU-omgeving is niet voorzien van Chrome. Daar staan alleen Interne… more »